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A member registered 12 days ago

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Thanks so much for the reply! I'll have to look into smoothing techniques for animation in Godot, as I'm still incredibly new to 2d animation and game dev in general. This gives me a nice hint on how to proceed, and I'm sure it'll be a fun challenge for me to figure out beyond that :)

(1 edit)

I'm curious about how you handled animation in a game like this. I'm considering starting work on an SDT clone in Godot, and I've been wondering how to best animate the female responses as they're moving up and down the shaft. Did you just have a few static images for each character that you cycle through as keyframes, with the image object just moving left or right as tied to mouse movement, or did you ever consider (or possibly even use) something along the lines of a 2d bone animation system? It looks fairly smooth, either way, so great work!